The researchers from the ALGEN technology center (Slovenia) working at LIFE Algaecan have visited the CARTIF facilities, in the Boecillo Technology Park (Valladolid), to share with the project coordinators the main advances achieved in the first year.
This Slovenian center, specialized in microalgae, is in charge of applying the innovative technology for the cultivation of heterotrophic microalgae, those that require organic compounds for their nutrition and that grow in the absence of light. These in particular have great potential to remove organic carbon and various types of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds from wastewater, which use it as a source of carbon and energy, without the need for sunlight.

The project works on the design of a demonstration plant that, through the profitable cultivation of these heterotrophic microalgae, achieves a model for the sustainable treatment of wastewater from the fruit and vegetable processing industry. Subsequently, these microalgae will serve as mater
The raw material for the production of biofertilizers, animal feed, etc.

In addition, AlgEn and CARTIF researchers took advantage of the meeting to present and analyze the design of the pilot plant, where the wastewater treatment will be carried out, and they demonstrated the operation of the spray drying equipment. of the laboratory.
At the end of the day, the project representatives visited the facilities of the demonstration plant located in HUERCASA, the Segovian vegetable products company that is also part of the consortium.